Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why Humans?

When I look at man's propensity for so many selfish, wasteful, and destructive attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, I am at a loss on how to explain the reason for God finding such worth in us that we would be his ambassadors, his beloved, his children. What I find baffling about this thought is that it was not brought on by some study of politics, some reaction to war, some cringing at abuse, but by my own ability to be so dull and thick-headed concerning truths I wholly embrace as the foundations for my life, and how so easily, too easily, I am able to make my way through a day, days, weeks at a time, living behind a veil, existing in shadows, plugged in to the Matrix, and missing out on Life.

I believe that the title of this post should be, "Why Me?"

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